Friday 22 June 2018

Manga: Compulsive Gambler 5

Compulsive Gambler Vol 5
Rating: 4/5
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Source: Copy courtesy of the publisher! 

The Battle of the Stars may be finished, but the event is far from over! And what better way to tie up loose ends than...another gamble?! Choosing to go against Manyuda in her Public Match, Yumeko is now faced with a game called Choice Poker. But if the advantage lies with whoever has the bigger pot, can Yumeko manage to come out victorious against a student council member with near limitless pockets?! 
The battle of the stars is over but it all gets a bit Sherlock and Yumeko goes about revealing the anonymous person who interfered. It's safe to say the Student Council members are definitely having a crisis. Which you know...I had no problems with because Kaede is the shadiest mofo. I really don't like Kaede, I think he's a ****, and I haven't really liked him since the start, I've actually been waiting for him to get his. I was so ready for he and Yumeko to go head to head, and the volume picks up from where we left off...and it doesn't slow down at all. The Vice President is even thrown in to the mix. I was so on edge you guys! 
Yumeko...she really is insane isn't she? The art shows that whenever it comes to the gambling, but taking part in this game...this gamble...she's so insane. I had my hand over my face at one point like "why Yumeko? Why?!". Interestingly we get some insight in to Sumeragi and I actually quite felt for her. She's becoming quite the interesting character and I actually look forward to more of her! 
This volume is so tense, and we spend the whole volume like "what's the deal with the Student Council President?!" because after the reveals in this volume...there's definitely something going on and then there's the cliffhanger...this volume is certainly full of surprises and the plot seems to be heading in a certain direction. Nothing makes me quite as tense as a volume of Compulsive Gambler....

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