Tuesday 25 June 2019

Manga: The Seven Deadly Sins 32

The Seven Deadly Sins Vol 32
Rating: 4/5
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Source: Copy courtesy of the publisher in exchange for an honest review! 

As the Holy War between The Ten Commandments and The Four Archangels begins once more, Estarossa sets off to find Derieri and Monspeet in order to claim their commandments for himself. Before long, he encounters Sariel and Tarmiel, two Archangels who vow to avenge their fallen comrade. But with three commandments already in his possession, can Estarossa even be defeated? 

Opening the volume in to a huge battle means Volume 32 is all go from the start. Monspeet and Derieri have their own little showdown with Estarossa, and I have to say I have started to like the two of them. They realised that maybe humans aren't all bad, maybe they don't want to be all evil and amid all the blood and death and fighting we nearly had a cute moment with them....nearly. My poor heart was completely shattered by them, I have to be honest, but I'm excited at the prospect of Derieri teaming up with the Sins! 

I was also impressed with Elizabeth this volume. I've been impressed with her character arc and growth and this volume really showcases all of that, and drives it home that she's changed and she can hold her own and take care of herself to an extent. She can help in the fight instead of having to be protected by everyone. She isn't the ditsy girl she was before. 

Estarossa is quite impressive in this volume, in that he rocks up to the aftermath of our groups battle with the demons, which was excellent by the way, and immediately begins to smack talk the angels there. The confidence was impressive. Estarossa is a bit...warped when we first see him and he only gets more so. What I found interesting was that we get some background revealed on him, and it did have me empathising with him but he he just gets really, really creepy by the end of the volume. Half of me sympathises with the poor guy, the other half is creeped out by the fact he keeps referring to himself as Meliodas. 

I really didn't think I'd warm up to any of the angels but Sariel and Tarmiel had me rooting for them. They had a rough time up against Estarossa but we did get to see them really throw down. They also provide some interesting information and a bit of potential foreshadowing or rather an idea of what might happen with Margaret in the future. The story of they and their vessels had me finally thinking 'okay, you guys might not be so bad'. 

Volume 32 is nicely paced and we get a tonne of action in this volume courtesy of the large battle and the confrontation with Estarossa. While the initial fight scenes are more of an ensemble affair, the latter fight scenes showcase more of Sariel and Tarmiel. Alongside the action heavy scenes, we get a little bit of background filled in and some surprising developments for certain characters. We don't see Meliodas though except for very briefly in a flashback but once the cliffhanger ending is out of the way, we do get a couple of side stories to make up for it! 

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