Thursday 4 October 2018

Manga: Wake Up Sleeping Beauty 6

Wake Up Sleeping Beauty Vol 6
Rating: 4/5
Buy or Borrow: Buy 
Source: Copy courtesy of the publisher! 

After a hectic summer, Shizu and her mother welcome a calm autumn in their home. Every day, Shizu grows more certain of herself, but after meeting the living daughter of one of her ghosts, she realizes it all comes at a price. The spirits within her know they are existing on borrowed time, and no one is more worried than Shizu. As a newfound loneliness creeps into her heart, she finds out the hard way that there is plenty to gain in letting go... 

We have finally come to the last volume in this series, so of course we see the story wrap up and honestly? It's kind of bittersweet! We get to learn all about Harumichi and how and why he died, and what his life was like and it was genuinely so sad, I'm kind of surprised it was left this late, but it was nice to get to know him before we said goodbye to the ghosts for good. 

Tetsu and Shizu finally sort everything out and come to terms with what has to happen, and they sort out their relationship too, obviously. This final volume has a nice pace to it, and it wraps everything up beautifully! Yes it was sad because of the ghosts leaving, but at the same time I had time to emotionally prepare didn't make it any less sad though! 

This has been such an interesting series, it's twisted and changed Sleeping Beauty so uniquely, and I loved getting to see the characters grow and change, we've had some excellent character development, and the romance was nicely developed and came about naturally without being forced! All in all, it's been quite a fun little series and it ends brilliantly! 

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