Wednesday 18 April 2018

Light Novel: Magical Girl Raising Project 3

Magical Girl Raising Project Vol 3
Rating: 4/5
Buy or Borrow: Buy
Source: Copy courtesy of the publisher! 

The hit social network game "The Magical Girl Raising Project" selects one out of every tens of thousands of players to become a real life magical girl. The lucky chosen girls gain magic powers as well as incredibly good fortune, and spend their days blissfully. 
But one day, an absolute announcement declares that the number of magical girls has risen too high and must be cut down to half. Sixteen young maidens are thrust into a merciless, deadly contest to survive...but how many will come out the other side? 
We're thrown right in to the action as the volume starts with the battle against the dragon! Then after that it's on to face the Evil King....or is it? The remaining girls have to figure out where the Evil King is and kill him to win the game and escape but it's not long before they turn on each other. 
I have to say, PFLE I will never ever trust, and I really don't like her but this volume made me feel like I might have misjudged her a bit. Keek on the other hand is legit crazy, and Snow White attempts to negotiate with her...and it doesn't go well. I understand Keek's point, they did all start killing each other of their own accord, and they shouldn't be Magical Girls, but she's not really any better than Cranberry.  
This volume has some brilliant plot twists, and we finally get to see how exactly this volume and the previous one are connected to volume 1 and the events from it, and it's more than just Snow White being in it. When I started the first volume I did kind of feel like the description of a certain character was familiar and I had a few thoughts but...yeah. Plot twist. 
This volume is a lot faster paced, and a lot more tense as we try to work out who's behind everything and there's twists and turns right up until the end! I love how brilliantly dark and twisted this take on Magical Girls is, and I'm intrigued to see if this is the end or if there'll be more to come! 

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