Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Resolutions I Have For 2015

Another Tuesday, another Top Ten list! 

This week's is all about resolutions considering it's the New Year and all! They can be anything, and I'm gonna try and do them as mostly bookish because ya know......I have many book things that I should probably resolve to sort out! SO....

1. Do not force myself to finish a book I do not like. 
You wouldn't believe how much time I waste, forcing myself to finish a book, even if I'm not liking it. I just can't abandon books, but I really need to work on it because why waste valuable reading time on books I'm not enjoying!? 

2. Read one Classic a month. 
I do not read Classics all that much, I do however, have quite the collection as I'm collecting Penguin English Library books among others! I was going to start this last year but never quite got around to it SO this year....It's on! 

3. Remain positive at all times. 
So, I do this as much as I can but I did waver a few times last year, so this year I'm gonna be all positivity all the time about everything! 

4. Film more YouTube videos. 
I'm gonna film even more videos for YouTube providing you guys are enjoying them of course! it's been something I've been debated and I dabbled at the end of 2015, but I want to make them more regularly! 

5. Improve my photography and take more bookish photos!
SO, all photos where taken on my iPad and then of course, I got a camera for Christmas and was allowed it early, so towards the end of the year I was playing about with it, working out how to use it and what effect does what and so on, so I'm hoping this year to take my photos up to another level and make them even better! Also to take more because I only really do the photo challenge ones and currently reading ones and I do love taking the photos and working out how to stage them! 

6. Catch up on NetGalley and keep on top of it! 
With NetGalley, it's dangerous. Because when a book goes on my Kindle....I kinda forget about it a little bit! So NetGalley always ends up with a huge backlog or I read them and then forget to put the review on NetGalley, so I'm gonna catch up on NetGalley and keep on top of it so no more hours spent putting up reviews because I forgot for months! It should be easier with my new Kindle as well, seeing as my old one was going all glitchy! 

7. FINALLY decimate my TBR. 
If you don't know, I have four freaking shelves of TBR books, helpfully arranged in to "First in Series"  "Stand Alone" "Entire Series" and "Next in Series". Yeah. I'm organised like that. We all have massive TBR's and we probably all say this every freaking year, but this year I really wanna do it because I kinda need the shelf space, soooooooo in between review books I'm going to read as many of my TBR books as possible and hopefully by this time next year....it'll be gone! 

8. Finally read popular series!
So I did a blog post about popular series I haven't read back in December. Some of them are on my actual TBR shelves and some of them are not. Considering I want to smack down my TBR, I'm thinking I'll resolve to read the popular series that are actually on my TBR so like Percy Jackson, Divergent, Mistborn and Heroes of Olympus. Depending on how fast I deplete my TBR I may or may not actually buy some of the ones I haven't read and read those as well! 

9. Finish series that I started. 
There's a couple of long running series that I've started and still haven't finished and the next books are still sitting on my shelf! So Dexter, Morganville and House of Night off the top of my head! They just kinda....stare at me sadly! 

10. Take part in more memes, and post more non- review content! 
So I'm always trying to improve my blog and feedback from you guys would be so helpful! But anyway, I want to take part in more memes, my participation in this one for instance, was a bit here and there! I never stuck to it properly, so I want to change that and maybe take part in a few more! I also want to post more content that isn't just book reviews, so I've got some ideas for other blog posts that are kinda like this, so lists, because we all love lists and they're easy to read! Not to mention fast! If you have any things you want to see specifically let me know! 

So those are my bookish related resolutions and one that's kinda a general one! There's a couple of other personal ones I have to do with my career and everything but that's not book blog material! 
Let me know YOUR New Years Resolutions down in the comments or simply link to your own TT Tuesday post if you've done one! 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful list :)
    I hope to catch up on NetGalley as well and would love to finally get into a schedule with blogging and videos :)

    My TTT: http://booksbeautifylife.blogspot.de/2016/01/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2016.html


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